“Observation and thought”

Proyecto H is pleased to present the second exhibition of the mexican artist Javier Sánchez, which will be available from October 20 to December 15, 2022.

Javier Sánchez is an artist who works with the investigation and practice of sound through the visual arts. His work is nourished by processes such as hacking obsolete technologies, experimenting with electricity and mixing these media with the plastic arts. The deconstruction of ideas, images and materials are a fundamental part of his work to integrate thematic axes.

Observation and thought is made up of a series of oil paintings on canvas or Non-Objective Paintings, 2022, which are the result of the use of white, black and orange, and the multiple mixtures and combinations that can arise from these colors. The figures are intended to avoid any type of representation of the natural world and are the reflection of an introspective observation of the artist.

The installation Timeless Obsolescence, 2022 is a sound piece that unifies the technological aspect with the rest of the show. The interactive piece projects on its screens images of the figures found on the canvases and can be modified by the viewer using the control center that, without indications, clues or order, changes the colors and textures of the shapes. The images are accompanied by random sounds that are also activated by the same control center that cannot be operated in any other way than through the game and the curiosity of turning, picking, pressing, touching and connecting the keyboards that are presented in front .




